If your company is interested in being our official event sponsor, please email us at or call 435-865-0100.
We can’t wait to hear back!
Sponsor Packages
Platinum Sponsors Package:
Exclusive booth space included.
Contribution of $1,200 in merchandise and a $300 sponsorship fee.
Featured on social media and in print advertisements.
Each Platinum Sponsorship includes one Trail Sponsorship daily.
Two rally registrations are included.
Additional Trail Sponsorship is available at $250 per trail per day.
Gold Sponsors:
Contribution of $800 in merchandise and a $300 sponsorship fee.
Medium logos on event posters, website, and T-shirts.
Option to sponsor Trails at $250 per trail per day.
Display medium banners on the entry kiosk and in the raffle area.
One rally registration is included.
Silver Sponsors:
Contribution of $500 in merchandise and a $200 sponsorship fee.
Small logos on event posters, website, and T-shirts.
Option to sponsor Trails at $250 per trail per day.
Display small banners on the entry kiosk and in the raffle area.
Bronze Sponsors:
Contribution of $300 in merchandise and a $200 sponsorship fee.
Small logos on event posters and websites.
Display small banners on the entry kiosk and in the raffle area.
Trail Sponsorship:
Pay $250 per trail per day.
Logo featured on the trail selection list below the sponsored trail.
Sign with logo, company name, and date sponsored placed at the trailhead.
Recognition during driver's meetings and lunch periods.
Opportunity to distribute swag or prizes to trail participants.
Encouraged to run two complimentary vehicles on sponsored trails for company recognition.